Riggo's Rag

● By Jacob Camenker

Accuracy: 7.21%364th Place
The 2019 NFL Draft may seem far away, but in reality, it is fairly close. All of the pre-draft buzz for teams outside of the playoff race is starting to heat up now and with events like the East-West Shrine Game and the Senior Bowl on the horizon, NFL teams have a lot to get excited about. The Redskins are one of those teams. Though the fan base is unhappy right now due to the immense amount of turmoil that the organization is facing, the front office has done a solid job drafting the past couple of years. Their first-round picks have been game-changers on the defensive line while their other draft picks have taken on solid roles in the organization as well. So, at the very least, fans can hope for a repeat performance of that in order to salvage what has, so far, been a hopeless offseason. The are plenty of quality players that will be available for the Redskins with the No. 15 pick, but obviously, who they pick depends on who is picked before them. We’ll try to sort through the mess the best we can with our first 2019 NFL Mock Draft of the season. Let’s dive in.

Top Players Not Included

These players appear in the top 32 of our

Consensus Big Board

, but do not show up in this mock.