Corn's Cogitations

● By Trenton Corn

Accuracy: 14.42%894th Place
With the Super-Bowl marking the end of the season and the full draft order officially set, we’re now officially looking towards the NFL draft! In full Mike Mayock fashion, an absolute DREAM of mine would be to get hired as an NFL GM, based off of my past NFL draft analysis. I mean c’mon, how many of us have made the comment: “If I was the GM..” before? Today I’m putting those skills to the test, as I will make all 32 selections in the first round based off of what I would personally do. This isn’t a predictive mock. This will allow me to really plant my flag on certain prospects and explain my feelings towards them. Here we go!

Top Players Not Included

These players appear in the top 32 of our

Consensus Big Board

, but do not show up in this mock.