
● By Staff

Accuracy: 21.88%374th Place
The NFL Draft is just around the corner. In a little over a month, the NFL is going to head to Detroit for its three-day spectacle where the best talent in college football makes the jump to the league. As the dust is starting to settle after the start of the new league year on Wednesday, it becomes a little easier to project out where all of these players are going to go. You’re going to lead a whole lot of mock drafts over the next few weeks, and today, we decided to throw our hat into the ring. Our only rule is that we’re not going to project trades for now, and to make this easier, we used the mock draft tool from the fine folks at Pro Football Network, which we cannot recommend enough. Bill took the odd picks, while Robby took the even picks. Now, let’s begin with the obvious…

Top Players Not Included

These players appear in the top 32 of our

Consensus Big Board

, but do not show up in this mock.