Windy City Gridiron

● By Jacob Infante
We interrupt your normally scheduled “only 300 more days until Bears training camp” content to bring you some content for the 2024 NFL Draft, which is even further away! This is the boring point of the NFL offseason, and it can leave football fans wondering how to fill the void when there’s so little going on. Some use it to preview the upcoming season, and while I and my fellow Windy City Gridiron contributors will continue to do so in the weeks and months ahead, I am a sick person. I use this time to prepare for next year’s NFL Draft. It gives me a headstart and allow me to get ahead of the game when everybody is cramming in film January through April (seriously, content creators; there isn’t anything important enough to dive into at this point of the offseason that should stop you from saving yourself hundreds of hours of work later in the year). The film study this early is more for helping out towards future draft content, but if I can help provide some draft information to kill time in June, then why not?